Privacy Policy
2022 04-25 22:00
(the "Company") understands the importance of containing customer personal information and will comply with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act (the "Act") and strive to handle this privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") in an appropriate manner in accordance with the Company's provisions ”) and protect personal information.
1. Definition
In the privacy policy, personal information refers to "personal information" as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of this Law, that is, information related to living individuals. This information may identify a specific individual using a name, date of birth, or other information contained in the description, including information that can be easily linked to other information that identifies the specific individual.
2. Purpose of use
The Company uses customers' personal information for the following purposes:
Provide and improve the Company's products or services;
To notify the Company of its products, services or events;
Conduct marketing, surveys or analysis to expand the scope or improve the quality of the Company's products or services;
Provide maintenance or support for the Company’s Services;
Notify the Company of revisions to the terms of use, policies, etc. ("Terms") regarding the services provided.
Address violations of the company's terms of service;
Verify the account held by the user;
Verify transfers to user accounts; or communicate in emergency situations.
Any other purpose related to the above purposes.
3. Change the purpose of use
The Company may change the purpose of use of personal information so that the changed purpose of use can be reasonably determined to be related to the original purpose of use. After the purpose of use is changed, the Company shall notify the user or publicly announce the changed purpose of use.
4. Restricted use
Without the consent of the relevant customer, the company shall not use personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use, unless permitted by law or other laws and regulations; however, this provision does not apply to the following situations:
Use personal information in accordance with laws and regulations;
The use of personal information is necessary to protect personal life, body or property safety, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the relevant customer;
Privacy Policy
The use of personal information is necessary to improve public health or promote the physical and mental health of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the relevant customer;
Or when it is necessary to use personal information for the national government, local governments, or individuals or entities entrusted with the execution of matters stipulated in laws and regulations, obtaining the consent of the relevant customers may hinder the execution of the relevant matters.
5. Appropriate collection
The Company may use appropriate means to collect personal information, but will not use deception or other improper means to collect personal information.
6. Security Control
The Company exercises comprehensive and appropriate supervision of its employees to ensure that personal information is securely controlled against the risk of loss, destruction, alteration or leakage.
7. When a customer requests the Company to correct, add, or delete personal information on the grounds that the personal information does not match the facts in accordance with laws and regulations, the Company should first confirm that the request is made by the person himself. The person in charge will then immediately use the purpose of use to conduct necessary investigations within the necessary scope, and then correct, add or delete personal information based on the investigation results, and notify the customer of the relevant situation (the company decides not to make corrections, the company should add or delete Notify the customer of the relevant situation when necessary); however, the company is not obliged to make corrections in accordance with the provisions of the Act or other laws and regulations. This provision does not apply when adding or deleting.
8. Prohibited
When a customer requires the company to stop using or deleting personal information in accordance with legal provisions on the grounds that the company's processing of personal information exceeds the previously announced purpose of use or that the personal information was obtained by deception or other improper means, and if the request is proven to be reasonable after investigation , the company should first confirm that the request is made by the person in charge, then immediately stop using or deleting the personal information, and notify the customer of the relevant situation; however, the company is not obliged to stop according to the Act or other laws and regulations. This rule does not apply to the use or deletion of personal information.
9. Use of cookies and other technologies
The services provided by the Company may use cookies or similar technologies. These technologies help the company understand how the company's services are being used, etc., and continuously improve the services. When a user wants to disable cookies, the user can change the settings of the web browser to disable cookies. Please note that by disabling cookies, users will no longer be able to use some services.
1. 定義
プライバシーポリシーにおいて、個人情報とは、本法第2条第1項に規定する「個人情報」、すなわち生存する個人に関する情報を指します。 この情報は、名前、生年月日、または説明に含まれるその他の情報を使用して特定の個人を識別する場合があります。これには、特定の個人を識別する他の情報と容易にリンクできる情報も含まれます。
2. 利用目的
ユーザー アカウントへの送金を確認したり、緊急事態に連絡したりできます。
3. 利用目的の変更
当社は、当初の利用目的と関連性があると合理的に判断できる範囲で、個人情報の利用目的を変更することがあります。 利用目的を変更した場合、当社は、変更後の利用目的を利用者に通知または公表します。
4. 使用制限
5. 適切な回収
6. セキュリティ管理
7. 当社は、お客様から、法令に基づく個人情報の内容が事実と異なるという理由により、当社に対し、個人情報の訂正、追加または削除をご請求される場合には、ご本人からのご請求であることを確認させていただきます。 。 担当者は、利用目的に基づき、必要な範囲内で速やかに必要な調査を行い、その結果に基づき、個人情報の訂正、追加または削除を行い、お客様にその旨を通知いたします(当社が非通知と判断した場合)。訂正が必要な場合には、当社は追加または削除(必要に応じてお客様にその旨を通知します)するものとしますが、当社は、法その他の法令の規定に基づき訂正を行う義務を負うものではありません。 この規定は、追加または削除する場合には適用されません。
8. 禁止
お客さまが、当社があらかじめ公表した利用目的の範囲を超えて個人情報を取り扱っているという理由、または偽りその他不正の手段により取得したものであるという理由により、法令の定めるところにより個人情報の利用停止または消去を要求した場合。調査の結果、ご請求が正当であると判明した場合には、ご請求が担当者によるものであることを確認の上、速やかに個人情報の利用停止または削除を行い、お客様にその旨をご連絡いたします。法その他の法令により停止する義務はありません。 この規則は、個人情報の使用または削除には適用されません。
9. Cookieおよびその他のテクノロジーの使用
当社が提供するサービスではCookieまたは類似の技術を使用する場合があります。 これらの技術は、自社のサービスがどのように利用されているかなどを把握し、継続的にサービスを改善するのに役立ちます。 ユーザーがCookieを無効にしたい場合は、Webブラウザの設定を変更してCookieを無効にすることができます。 Cookieを無効にすると、一部のサービスが利用できなくなりますのでご注意ください。